Friday, July 14, 2006

The Unusual

It's funny how your mood can change so quickly. A short twelve hours ago I was sure the world was coming to an end when Chester spilled dirty (and when I say dirty, I'm not kidding around) aquarium water on the carpet. Six hours of sleep, one highly caffeinated beverage and one rice krispy treat delightfully dipped diagonally in decadent chocolate later, I'm feeling quite content indeed. I almost never make a coffee stop in the morning, but I was on my way to deposit my paycheck (I suppose it never hurts one's mood when it's payday, least in the brief period before the bill export) and thought to myself, "why not?" Although there are probably plenty of good reasons why not, $1.60 coffee among them, sometimes it's nice to do things out of the ordinary, even if they're as small as that.

1 comment:

Phil B said...

Sometimes a treat given to one's self is the best thing one can do...

Bummer about the fish water. Eww.

As an aside: Good luck with your educational plans. Just keep your ultimate goal in mind and you will do swimmingly. As a second aside: AFI was absolutely amazing!

Take care.