Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My New Toy

Chester ever so kindly bestowed a new laptop upon me for my birthday (albeit a few weeks early). It's speedy, cavernous (as in it has LOTS of storage space) and lovely, and will aid me in my quest for a degree.

I consider myself lucky that the computer with the most battery power (up to 6 hours!) in Chester's price range just happened to be the one with a lovely design. I'm also quite tickled that Chester was able to find a matching Bluetooth mouse!

The inside is pretty to look at as well.

One of the coolest gadgets that came with it was the little Windows Media remote that can be tucked safely inside the computer.

As evidenced by the picture below, I'm pleased as can be!


John Nelson said...

Cool computer! What kind is it?

April said...

It's an HP something-or-other. It's quite speedy and will be very convenient. Happy birthday to me!

Charles said...

why don't you update your blog?
Would love to read more.